$20.00 Double Fan

Sold Out


Reed, 2006 - 40" Mla 6" dor.dip. Dark purple spidery with excellent branching and bud count

Another in my "architecture" series of fabulously well-branched cultivars. The bloom is a nice ruffled dark "Trahlyta" purple, but with scape performance! It has a green throat. It joins Prosaic Architecture (pink) and Orchid Architecture (orchid bitone) in the section devoted to breeding better performing plants. 3-5 way deep branching, 25 - 50 buds. Fertile both ways.

Contact Info

Woodhenge Gardens
Jim Murphy & Margo Reed
3191 Plank Rd.
North Garden, Va. 22959
(434) 981-5212
cell (434) 981 5212
Lily Auction Username:Murphy

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